Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Advice taken...

Hello Everyone.

So I've been finishing off my spreads for The Adventures book for my degree show. Boy, it takes while for me to feel happy with them... But i've been working on one tonight and the art is pretty finished, but I have a dilemma...

Should the text on the right side be over or under the puffin?

Answers on a postcard please...

YOU ANSWERED - I LISTENED! Over wins the day!
(Also some tweaks have occurred!)


Victoria Stitch said...

personally i think over because it looks more balanced!

jfgrover said...

I think over - It still reads on from the 1st bit well and is not squashed into the corner...

Unknown said...

Over for me too :)
Maybe the 'A Puffin in a cap...' needs to go left a little more, just not sitting right for me? Hope you don't mind me saying?
Fantastic work :)

Charlotte Cooke said...

Not at all Jax - all input appreciated, thanks!

Sara Dunkerton said...

I agree with the other two, defiantly text over the puffin!
It just flows so much nicer when reading, and has a better shape to it aesthetically.

Kirsty Thatcher said...

Over....Charlotte ........OVER!!!!!

Kirsty Thatcher said...

that is better ...... feathers look good too!!!Like the composition in this piece!!!